In 2006 the statue was unveiled Kaszubski Square-shaped benches. Sitting on the elderly couple in the Kashubian costumes this Elizabeth and James Scheibe. Jacob Scheibe Gdynia was a fisherman, who after returning from America has become a very wealthy man, yet he returned to his profession and daily flows out to sea to fish. With the high corner of the house, his wife Elizabeth every day kept watch her ​​husband return home.
It was founded in the seventeenth century by the councilors of Gdansk. Project Neptune statue was designed by Abraham van den Blocke, the greatest architect of Gdansk from that period. Its present appearance dates from the rebuilding and renewal in the eighteenth century. Neptune statue was cast in 1615. Mannerist in his appearance figure of the god of the seas is built on a broken line, designed for viewing from all sides. Neptune's head resembles the head of a horse statue of Marcus Aurelius, and the torso is a reference to the Belvedere Torso. These similarities indicate that the fountain is one of the few examples of the presence of the ancient sculptures in the architecture of Gdansk. For a great grid derived from 1634, restored about half of the eighteenth century, the city placed a carved and gilded iron Polish eagles. These eagles were removed during the interwar period. During World War II, the fountain was dismantled and stored its individual parts. Found all of them except the bowl shaft. In 1954, the assembly of the fountain and ran it on 22 July. It is one of the most beautiful art accents the Royal Way. In April 1988, during the annual maintenance on the instructions of officials in Gdansk, leaf capped penis statue.
The gallery is located in the historic building of the former municipal bathhouse, which surprises with its unusual shape resembling a bathing stove. Since 1989, this facility has served as the Laznia Center for Contemporary Art. Its main goal is the presentation and dissemination of universal values of contemporary art, which is an integral part of the world cultural heritage. By showcasing the latest trends in art, responding to current cultural and civilizational phenomena, and conducting education in this context, the gallery engages in organizing exhibitions, artistic exchanges, innovative educational programs, scientific conferences, lectures, concerts, and film screenings.
Monument located in Park of the Council of Europe, "In honor of Siberian exiles" was unveiled in 2004, the 65th anniversary of the entry of the Soviet army to the Polish market. Project Maria Jasinski, Emily Kaus and Miroslaw Laszka shows cracked stone with a cross and the names of the cities to which they have been displaced Poles.
Sculpture "Film fan seat" was unveiled in 1999. Create a sculpture cast in metal film executives, each of which marks the next prize winner held in Gdynia Polish Film Festival.
Monument to Joseph Conrad, actually Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski Joseph, writer and marine painter of Polish origin, is in the final stretch of the South Pier. It is by Danuta and Zbigniew Koseda and was unveiled in 1976. Korzeniowski is an outstanding work of an isolated phenomenon in the literature, combining the romantic trend of positivism. Swimming as a sailor on many ships visited ports in Australia and Oceania, the Far East and Central America. He was also the captain of the steamer plying the Congo (voyage 1890). In 1894 he resigned from the service in the Navy and settled permanently in London. In 1889 he began to write his first novel, Almayer's Folly, which was published six years later (29 April 1895). However, despite the recognition of criticism was not well-known writer - only in 1916 with the release of the game gained popularity and fortune came from the financial problems plaguing it. All of his books are based on autobiographical, on what Conrad experienced, heard or saw during his travels. Although it is considered one of the greatest stylists in all English literature, is the end of life spoke English with a strong foreign ("Polish") accent.
Sculpture porpoise, the only living in the Baltic Sea cetacean mammals of the family, was unveiled April 5, 2006. Cast bronze sculpture of the marine mammal in its natural size and reminds all viewers that the porpoises in the Baltic Sea are still human and they need help, to be there on. Porpoise, orcas and dolphins next to the suborder of cetaceans, and is the only species ever zasiedlającym Baltic. Porpoises in the Baltic Sea 80 years ago, yet there was so much that could be seen from Kosciuszko Square. Today was their only about 600 units.
Monument dedicated to those who have gone on forever watch Monument unveiled by Irena Loroch 25 June 1988 year. It is dedicated to sailors and fishermen who died at sea.
The sculpture, entitled "Coming Home" was created by American artist Louise McDowell, and it was funded by Seattle-Gdynia Sister City Association. The sculpture is a gift from the people of Seattle and allied symbolizes the bonds which unite Gdynia with its American sister city. It shows two silver salmon that flow in one direction, towards a common goal.
The monument depicts Antoni Abraham, known as a promoter of Polishness in Pomerania and an active social activist of the Kashubian community, often referred to as the "king of the Kashubs". Antoni Abraham was born on December 19, 1869, in the settlement of Zdrada near Mechowo, into a poor family of the bailiff Jan Abraham and his wife Franciszka née Czap. He received his education at the Prussian elementary school in Mechowo and Leśniewo. From a young age, Abraham regularly participated in pilgrimages to the Calvary in Wejherowo. In his youth, Abraham traveled around Kashubia, working occasionally on various agricultural, forestry, fishing, and industrial farms.Around 1889, Antoni Abraham settled in Pryśniewo, where he married Matylda Paszke (1860-1924) in the same year. They had two sons and three daughters, one of whom died at a young age. Although Abraham's sons considered themselves Prussians and both perished during World War I as soldiers, Abraham himself engaged in activities promoting Polish identity.In 1908, while living in Sopot, he signed a promissory note securing the debts of a German acquaintance. When the acquaintance failed to settle his obligations, Abraham was burdened with debts, leading to his bankruptcy. He lost his properties in Sopot, and this event likely intensified his anti-German sentiment.Antoni Abraham participated in welcoming Polish troops in Wejherowo, and later presumably took part in the symbolic act of the "Marriage of Poland with the Sea" in Puck, where he greeted General Haller and gifted him tobacco. However, he quickly became disillusioned with the new reality in which Kashubia was marginalized.The monument to Antoni Abraham was initiated by the Gdynia Branch of the Kashubian-Pomeranian Association and funded by the community, companies, and institutions from Gdynia, Kashubia, and Pomerania. The official unveiling and dedication took place on June 23, 2001. The monument is 4 meters high, and its pedestal bears the inscription: "Antoni Abraham 1860-1923 Son of the Kashubian Land - Fighter for its Polishness." The monument was designed by Stanisław Szwechowicz.
Eugene Kwiatkowski (born 30 December 1888 in Kraków, died. Aug. 22, 1974 in Kraków) - Polish Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Treasury, industry and trade of the Second Republic. Gdynia is regarded as one of the most distinguished form of the city's development. Thanks to the rapid pace started to build the port of Gdynia, which has become the interwar Polish window on the world. Besides the construction of the port contributed to the Polish merchant fleet, freeing Poland from paying foreign shipowners. Monument unveiled Eugene Kwiatkowski 1 October 1994 on the square at. 10 February. After building a shopping center on the square to them. Kwiatkowski monument was moved and placed next to the main entrance. Construction of the monument was initiated by the Society of Friends of Gdynia, author of the project - John Szwechowicz.
The six-foot sculpture by Adam Dawczak-Debicki shows a boy who conducts the waves. It is made of bronze and positioned it on the extended 40 meters into the Baltic Sea dalbie, at the height of Gdynia Aquarium. Was unveiled on 01.05.2009 year.
The monument of General Mariusz Zaruski (1867-1941), a pioneer of Polish sailing and maritime education, is located at the quay of the yacht basin - Marina Gdynia. The monument was unveiled on June 3, 1984, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Yacht Club of Poland.