Church of Archangel Michael in Tuchomiu was built in the years 1905-1906. Brick church, the foundation stone, plastered, roof covered with ceramic tiles. Neo-Baroque church tower has a covered copper plate. Facilities: modern altars, Stations of the Cross from the time of construction of the church, organ, tribune, font, confessionals, two bells. The Church and its surroundings on March 19, 1960, he was listed as a monument.
Gothic fortress complete with three round towers and Gunpowder quadrilateral tower (destroyed during the Swedish wars and rebuilt only in the interwar period) was built in the years 1398-1405. Castle during its heyday served as border guards, administrative offices, and the Teutonic knights inn for hurrying to the capital of the western European countries Knights - Malbork. The main and oldest Gothic building, the so-called. Monastic House (now a museum) is located in the north-western part of the castle. In the years 1560-1570 the Pomeranian princes conducted a thorough reconstruction of Bytowska warowni.W 1656 years, the castle was completely destroyed by the Swedish army. When reconstruction served as the summer residence of the princes of West Pomerania-Griffin. In the 30s Twentieth century German authorities have allocated a castle on a training center and a shelter for young people. Originally Bytów castle was built in the Gothic style. Currently, with the exception of large parts of the external walls, most of the objects from the sixteenth-century remodeling or has been reconstructed in the twentieth century, now they are established Bytowskie Cultural Center, the Museum of Western Kashubian, knights, libraries: urban and teaching and a hotel. Castle is created in Pomerania "Gothic Castles Route."
The church was built in the years 1730-1733 in the late Baroque style as a Protestant church in place before the existing building, burned down in 1719, rebuilt the temple often. In 1904 the church building was built tower with a small tip. From 1917 to 1927 the church tower was flat finial. Another renovation of the church was carried out in 1922, including converted Late Baroque altar from about 1730, having originally crowned with a rich pulpit in the form of a canopy. Since 1927, the tower has its present shape (characteristic helmet). At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the church underwent a complete renovation, from the north side of the church sacristy was built, repaired and restored the clock on the church tower, restored facades, purchased new brass chandeliers and the Stations of the Cross, was laid with marble flooring, fitted with stylized brass railing, with a new cross in the sanctuary. The Church has received new benches, altar, pulpit.
Rummel is a legendary bandit robber in the very distant past, in the vicinity of Miastko. As in many of these legends, Rummel robber plundered the rich, and gained in this manner distributed among the poor. Among other robbers stood out, however, that the goods acquired for myself not to leave nothing at all, and even starve and was very thin. The local potentate of the house Massow decided to calm the situation and get along with the robber. He told him that he could get as much land as will tour on horseback in one day. The agreement was kept, - Massow handed in possession of as much managed to evade from dawn to dusk, the whole current land. Its capital city named in honor of the good robber Rummelsburg (Miastko today). Rummel his death he was a role mayor. Robber also commemorates the local currency - called Rummel ducat, minted in February 2009 by the City Council of Miastko.
It is a three-storey apartment building built in 1905 in Art Nouveau style. From 1985-1987 the building was adapted for the church.
The plane LIM 29 in 1989, he was given to residents by Miroslaw Hermaszewski Miastko - the first and only in the history of the Pole, who flew into space. On a plaque inscribed with the words "To the glory of the Polish wing on the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II - people Miastko".
The water tower was built in 1928, along with other elements of the urban water supply center - water intake, pump station and water treatment and water supply the entire network. Water was drawn from three deep wells and from rivers Studnica and administered directly into the municipal water supply with piston pumps. Unused part of the tank filled with water tower, which played the role of reserve and equalizing the pressure. As a result of artillery fire in 1945 destroyed the roof of the tower and head curtain wall (in the mantle reservoir counted over 500 damage). The modernization of the water supply network in the years 1978-1984 made ​​a major overhaul tower. In 2006 she was sold to a private owner.
Built just before World War I, the neo-Gothic building of red brick court, combined with the music school of the name Fryderyk Chopin's.
Neo-Gothic brick building of the railway station from 1904
Post office building from the early twentieth century.
The historic buildings of the early twentieth century.
The neo-Gothic building of red brick, before World War II there was a HM Revenue and Customs. Now the building is home to the Police.
The grand old mill building business from the early twentieth century.