Rummel is a legendary bandit robber in the very distant past, in the vicinity of Miastko. As in many of these legends, Rummel robber plundered the rich, and gained in this manner distributed among the poor. Among other robbers stood out, however, that the goods acquired for myself not to leave nothing at all, and even starve and was very thin. The local potentate of the house Massow decided to calm the situation and get along with the robber. He told him that he could get as much land as will tour on horseback in one day. The agreement was kept, - Massow handed in possession of as much managed to evade from dawn to dusk, the whole current land. Its capital city named in honor of the good robber Rummelsburg (Miastko today). Rummel his death he was a role mayor. Robber also commemorates the local currency - called Rummel ducat, minted in February 2009 by the City Council of Miastko.