
Golden Gate in Gdansk

The Golden Gate was the site of a Gothic Gate Długouliczna of the fourteenth century. The compound was built in the years 1612-1614, designed by Abraham van den Block and managed by Jan Strakowski. Golden Gate is an example of the richest period in the art of Gdansk and the proof of the openness of Gdańsk on contemporary developments in the construction industry. It was built by the Dutch and Italian models.The facade is divided into two levels, the bottom in which there are three entrances and upper decorated by four large windows. Both floors are decorated with rich ornaments, art, framed with columns supporting cornices levels. On both sides of the door are inscriptions, from the zachdniej quotation from Psalm 122: "Let them thrive, those who you love. May peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces. "And from the side of Long Street, a small republic grow Consent - disagreement great fall".The whole is crowned by a stone balustraded parapet, and at the ends of the columns are eight statues, four on each side, carved by the artist Hans Ringering Gdansk. From the side of Long Street symbolize the virtues of citizenship, from left to right order: Prudentia ("Consideration"), Pietas ("Piety"), for Justice ("Justice") ', and Concordia ("Agreement"). And from the west symbolize aspirations Gdańsk, from left: Pax ("Peace"), Libertas ("Freedom"), Fortuna ("Happiness") and Fama ("Fame").